As homeowners tackle the job of raking leaves, clearing gardens, and cleaning yard debris, they create a lot of noise and pollution. In fact, one gas-powered leaf blower can emit
as much pollution as 80 cars! Here are some tips for a quieter, cleaner way to maintain the yard:
Choose hand-powered or electric tools over gas:
Leaf blowers: Rakes are effective, and cheaper than using a leaf blower. Plus, you get a chance to burn some extra calories! If you need a power tool for a hard to reach spot (like your roof, or in between shrubbery), try an electric leaf blower rather than a gasoline-powered one. Electric leaf blowers are usually quieter, more energy-efficient, and get the job done just as well as their high-powered counterparts.
Garden trimmers: As an alternative to more energy-intensive trimmers, you can also try electric trimmers. Or, if you want to be a retro gardener, use manual shears to trim back evasive bushes and carefully prune your favourite tree.
Lawn mowers: Many yards are small enough that a hand-powered lawn mower does the job. Hand-powered lawn mowers are very quiet, replacing the roar of a power motor with the quiet whir of the lower-tech model. If you have a larger yard or one that requires heavier maintenance, research electric lawn mowers which make less noise and have a lower environmental impact.