Hollyfort Development Group/Tidy Towns
Committee Members 2024/25
The following 10 members agreed to stand and were elected to our committee at our AGM in September 2024
The following 10 members agreed to stand and were elected to our committee at our AGM in September 2024
Carol Boland (Chair)
Bill Connor (Vice Chair)
Janet Noblett (Treasurer)
Domhnal O'Donnchadha (Secretary)
Susan Madden (PRO)
Jimmy O’Brien
Veronica Dowley
Denise Peskens
Bert Peskens
Tina Prior Byrne
Carol Boland (Chair)
Bill Connor (Vice Chair)
Domhnal O'Donnchadha (Secretary)
Susan Madden (PRO)
Constitution Hollyfort Development Group
The Association
The name of the community association shall be Hollyfort Development Group, hereafter
called The Association.
1. To provide an
Association in which all residents of the community, in co-operation with
existing local voluntary, sporting and cultural organisations, can meet
together, make plans, develop policies and provide facilities for the benefit
of all sectors of the community.
- To carry
out the business of the Association in a manner which is open, transparent
and accountable to all residents of the community and for the common
- To
sustain and continue the traditions of community spirit, good
neighbourliness, voluntary effort and self-reliance.
4. To assess the needs
of the community, draw up a draft Community Development Plan and present it to
the community at a General Meeting for discussion and approval.
5. To implement the
approved Community Development Plan with any amendments, in co-operation with
existing local voluntary, sporting and cultural organisations.
6. To monitor and
maintain projects carried out as part of the Community Development Plan.
7. To review the
Community Development Plan on an on-going basis.
8. To raise funds,
obtain grants, make borrowings and acquire property for the execution of
projects outlined in the Community Development Plan as approved by a General
Meeting of the Association. Any assets
acquired will be vested in the Association for the benefit of all the
9. To make
representations, as it sees fit, on behalf of the community, to Wexford County
Council, Wexford County Development Board and other relevant state and local
agencies on common issues that affect the local community.
- Membership of the Association is open to
residents of Hollyfort and of the agreed surrounding townlands. Members of
any group which fulfils the Association’s requirements may apply for
membership of the Association.
11. An A.G.M. open
to all members will be held before January of each year. The committee shall circulate an agenda, annual report
and detailed financial report at least 14 days in advance of the AGM.
- A Special General Meeting of the
Association can be called at any time by a motion signed by more than 50%
of the members. At least 14 days
notice of the date of the AGM or any General meeting must be given.
- No
member, committee member or officer will receive payment for work done on
behalf of the committee. Out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed.
14. A committee shall
be elected annually at the A.G.M. by the membership. Any member can stand for election to the
committee if nominated by 2
members. In the event that there are more than the required number of
nominations to the committee there will be an election by ballot.
- The Committee shall ensure that it
contains representatives of all community organisations who wish to be
affiliated and that all parts of the community are adequately represented.
- The Committee shall consist of at least
10 and not more than 20 members, including officers. The Committee has the
power to co-opt new members in line with 15 above.
- The Committee will elect the following
(a) Chairperson
Vice Chairperson
Treasurer or Joint Treasurers
Public Relations Officer.
18. The Committee
shall meet regularly but not less than 7 times a year.
19. The
Chairperson, or in his/her absence the Vice‑Chairperson, shall act as
Chairperson for the duration of the meeting, provided a quorum has been
reached. In the absence of the Chair or Vice-Chair, an Acting Chair may be
appointed for the duration of that meeting only and provided that a quorum
- A quorum, for the purpose of any properly
convened meeting of the Association, shall be 50% of the committee members
plus one.
- The Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary, who shall enter therein a record of the proceedings. Copies of the minutes shall be available to the members of the committee as soon as possible after the meeting.
Amendment of the
- Any item of this constitution can only be changed by two-thirds majority vote at an Annual or Special General Meeting of which no less than fourteen days notice has been given.
- The
association is a not-for-profit, voluntary organisation. In the event of a
dissolution of the association, any financial surplus or assets after the
discharge of liabilities will be disposed of for the benefit of the
community as decided by an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Association.
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